If you love animals, don't wear them dead says a campaign for Bardot Foundation
Posted on 2017 Dec,26

A man wears a jacket; blood is dropping out of the top of his furred collar. "I like animals…Dead," reads the tagline of this most recent campaign for Bardot Foundation against the commercialization of fur.

Thousand of billboards featuring one shock image have been installed across Paris to trigger public awareness of the plight of animals used in the fur industry.

According to Bardot Foundation,  the French association dedicated to animal protection and created by actress Brigitte Bardot in 1986, the idea is to sensitize people who pretend loving animals, who take walks in the city with their dogs but wears fur clothes, thinking it's synthetic fur."

Animal furs is often used for the making of jacket collars, gloves and on manifold fashion items.

"Every year, in the world, around 140 million animals (minks, foxes, chinchillas, beavers and rabbits) are killed for their fur," reminds Olivier Rafin, director of Fourrure Torture, another French assosiation fighting against fur of animal origin.

Often, this fur comes from China where fake fur is more expensive.